The Most Important Things You Don’t Know About Your Car Insurance: A Multi-Part Series
In over a decade representing people injured in Massachusetts car accidents, we have seen way too many instances of people being...
Atty. Samuel A. Segal Opens Up On Student Debt
Student debt is a crisis for many young people. Attorney Sam Segal was recently interviewed about his own experience incurring debt to...
Atty. Segal at the ABA Bar Leadership Institute
The American Bar Association's Bar Leadership Institute is traditionally a three-day program held in Chicago, IL. Due to the ongoing...
Atty. Segal Votes at ABA YLD National Assembly
Attorney Sam Segal recently attended the American Bar Association Young Lawyer Division Midyear Assembly. Serving in his capacity as...
Segal Law Website Re-Launch
The Law Offices of Samuel A. Segal has completely re-designed our website! Check out the new information, photos, and more at...
Atty. Segal Interviewed for WBZ Radio
Atty. Sam Segal was interviewed by WBZ Radio's James Rojas for a piece that aired on January 6, 2021. The piece centered on the...
Atty. Segal Featured in Cover Story for ABA Journal
Attorney Sam Segal was interviewed for the recently-published cover story for the December/January issue of the ABA Journal: "Law School...
We've Moved!
The Law Offices of Samuel A. Segal has moved to a new location: 111 Beach St., Ste. 1, Boston, MA 02111. We have loved our time at...
Attorney Sam Segal on WBZ News Radio
Attorney Sam Segal was featured on WBZ News Radio over the weekend in an interview with host Jordan Rich.
Running for A Good Cause
On Friday, June 12, 2020, attorney Sam Segal participated in the first remote Lawyers Have Heart 5K to raise money for the American Heart...