Atty. Segal on WBZ for Mock Trial Finals
On Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at the historic Faneuil Hall in Boston, MA, attorney Samuel A. Segal welcomed the best high school teams in Massachusetts to the Mock Trial State Final Competition on behalf of the Massachusetts Bar Association. The two teams, Gann Academy and the Pioneer Valley Performing Arts School, rose above 106 other high school teams from across the Commonwealth to reach the State Finals and both deserve a big congratulations!
The fictional case this year was an alleged product liability claim related to the wing of a stunt aircraft that crashed, resulting in the death of its pilot. The teams had to present arguments and witnesses to show either that the cause of the crash was the result of a defect in the design of the plane or pilot error. After competing in front of three current and former justices of the Massachusetts Courts, Gann Academy rose to the top to become State Champion and will now move on to represent Massachusetts in the High School Mock Trial National Championship!
In addition to giving opening remarks, atty. Segal was also interviewed by WBZ Radio about the Mock Trial program, in which he has participated (once upon a time as a high school student) and has since volunteered as an attorney coach and judge. Listen to the interview here:
